Sonntag, 17. April 2016

FXObservable, creating JavaFX Observables without the boilerplate

When working with JavaFX by default the following pattern is recommended
public class Model {
    private StringProperty theString;

    public String getTheString() {
         return theStringProperty().get();

    public void setTheString(String theString) {

    public StringProperty theStringProperty() {
        if (theString == null) {
            theString = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "theString") 
        return theString;
This pattern enhances the default Java bean pattern (having getter and setter methods) with a third method to retrieve a bindable property. The heart of this pattern is in having a member property, a property accessor method and getter and setter methods using the property to retrieve and set the value. The pattern exists in variants with eager initialization and lazy creation of the property member. The above example uses the lazy initialization aproach.
Dirk Lemmermann had some issues with the widespread usage of this pattern at a customer, since the JavaFX property objects use more memory than the simple objects they wrap. He created a pattern called Shadow Fields. The essence of that pattern is to only create a JavaFX property when really needed. To achieve this, he introduces another member for the simple type and does not create a property as long as the property method is not called. Using his pattern, the above code would become
public class Model {
    private String _theString; 
    private StringProperty theString;

    public String getTheString() {
         return theString == null ? _theString : theString.get();
    public void setTheString(String theString) {
        if (this.theString == null) _theString = theString;
        else this.theString.set(theString);
    }    public StringProperty theStringProperty() {
        if (theString == null) {
            theString = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "theString", _theString); 
        return theString;
While the default pattern is already a mouthful, the Shadow Fields pattern introduces some more boilerplate code. That’s why Carl Dea started a blog series introducing a new pattern to overcome some of this boilerplate. The base of his approach is to use an interface with default methods. But there is still a lot of boilerplate involved, even with Carl’s approach.
I am a long time fan of Griffon. When writing a Griffon application in Groovy, the above model would look like this
import griffon.transform.FXObservable 
class Model {
    String theString
That’s right! There are no getters, setters or methods to retrieve the property. A Groovy AST transformation generates all the boilerplate during compilation of the code.
In my day job I develop a Swing based application written using a custom framework. Currently I am planning to replace parts of this custom framework with Griffon and gradually switch to JavaFX. But since we currently are not planning to use Groovy in production code (we are using Spock for writing our tests), I was already thinking about implementing a FXObservable handler for Lombok, when Andres Almiray tweeted he had the same idea. That’s when my journey of implementing my first Lombok handler began.
After reading Carl’s and Dirk’s posts I changed the existing nearly complete handler to implement the Shadow Fields pattern. That’s right. Using Lombok, it is now possible to implement the Shadow Fields pattern in Java using the following code:
import griffon.transform.FXObservable;
public class Model {
    private String theString;
Yes. the only difference to the Groovy version is in two additional words (public and private) and two semicolons.
During the discussion Carl came up with the idea of using only a single object field instead of two dedicated fields:
public class Model {

    private Object theString; 

    public final String getTheString() {
        return theString instanceof StringProperty ?
                ((StringProperty)theString).get() :
                (String) theString;
    public final void setTheString(String theString) {
        if (this.theString instanceof StringProperty)
            this.theString = theString;
    public final StringProperty theStringProperty() {
        if (!(theString instanceof StringProperty)) {
            theString = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "theString", (String)theString);
        return (StringProperty)theString;
This last change is not yet implemented in the Lombok handler, but will most probably be. It is only to be discussed, if the FXObservable annotation will be enhanced with an option to configure the behaviour of the generated code (whether to use the original pattern, Dirk’s Shadow Fields pattern, Carl’s Property Accessor Interface, or the enhanced Single Object variant of the Shadow Fields pattern).

Sonntag, 1. Februar 2015

Merge branches with different file encodings in git

The problem

We have changed the default encoding of all our source files from system default (cp1252) to UTF-8. But recently we saw a problem, when merging changes from the old support branch using cp1252 back into master. The merge went well without any merge conflict, but the file was corrupt afterwards.

Let's create a minimal example project consisting of only one file in encoding cp1252 with following content:
and commit this file. Now we create a support branch to maintain the stable release. Development goes on on master. Because we want everything to be UTF-8 now, we convert the file to UTF-8:
iconv -f cp1252 -t utf-8
and commit the changed file.

Meanwhile, on the support branch, we need to add a new key to the properties file and now the file looks like this, still in cp1252:
and commit the change.

Back on master, we want to merge the changes made on the support branch back in
git merge support
This does seem to work, git merges everything just fine without error. But now the file looks like this
when opened with cp1252. Or like this
when opened with UTF-8.

As you can see, the new line from the support branch, which was in cp1252, got merged in as is, rendering the resulting file unusable, because now part of the file is in UTF-8, part in cp1252. And remember, git did not warn us, the merge seemed to work well. Let's roll back:
git reset --hard HEAD~

The solution

You can tell git to convert files on check in and check out. This can for example be used to have files in the workspace with Windows line endings (crlf), but with Linux line endings (lf) in the repository. This can either be done globally by setting core.autocrlf or core.safecrlf to true, or by creating a .gitattributes file in the root of the repository.

Let's use the .gitattributes file. Our .gitattributes file on the master branch will look like this:
*.properties text filter=convert2utf8
 This will set line endings of all properties file to lf in the repository and native (crlf when using Windows, lf when using Linux) in the workspace. In addition it configures a filter named convert2utf8. This filter must be defined on each developer machine:
git config --global filter.convert2utf8.clean convert2utf8
git config --global filter.convert2utf8.smudge cat
with following script at ~/bin/convert2utf8 (and ~/bin added to my PATH)

# create tempfile and write content of stdin into this file
cat > $tempfile
# convert the file to utf-8 and write the result to stdout
sourceencoding=`file -bi $tempfile | sed -r "s/.*charset=(\w*)/\1/"`
iconv -f $sourceencoding -t utf-8 $tempfile

# remember exit value

# remove the tempfile again
rm $tempfile

# return exit value of iconv, not exit value of rm
exit $exitvalue
What does this do? Everytime I commit changes to *.properties files in this project, the convert2utf8 script is executed. This ensures I do not end up having a file encoded in cp1252 in the repository.

But what about our problem of merges rendering our file unusable?
git merge support -Xrenormalize
produces the following file:

What happened here?

Git did execute convert2utf8 on both branches before trying to merge the changes. Although the changes on the support branch were made using cp1252, git will merge in a version converted to UTF-8.

I can even instruct git to always renormalize:
git config --global merge.renormalize true
From now on, all merges from the old branches to the new branch will work correctly. This will also prevent merge conflicts, when the old branch committed files using crlf, and now all files are committed with lf only. You could also reformat all your sourcecode using a new code formatting rule, as long as there exists a command line tool to format the file.